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History of Indoor Cycling at The Bike Rack

Florescent Sunshine Video Bike Tour
Florescent Sunshine Video Bike Tour
Cycle Camp
Cycle Camp
Cycle Camp
Training Center V1
Training Center V1
In 1986 The Bike Rack tried something considered a little weird at the time. An indoor cycling experience called the Florescent Sunshine Video Bike Tour. Despite its AMAZINGLY 80's name it was a hit. 

Fast forward 19 years to 2004. Teaming up with Randy King, The Bike Rack once again filled its sales floor with trainers and invited people out from the cold to get on their bikes for the MS150 Cycle Camp.

The decision was made to make it a permanent fixture and the first version of the Performance Center was born in 2005. Through the years the screen got bigger, more trainers were added but not much changed. 

The Training Center currently boasts a totally new set up. 7 Wahoo Kickr Snaps with individual TVs power our center. The new Wahoo set up allows us to drop in other Wahoo trainers as needed. Want to try a Kickr or Kickr Bike? We can do that. Come join us for the new era of winter training at The Bike Rack.